Find Yourself in the Retreats of the Ascended Masters

Have you ever longed for a home you can’t remember?
Has a dream ever seemed more real than reality?
Do you ever feel trapped by ordinary life?

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The etheric retreats of the Ascended Masters, Archangels, Elohim, and all members of the Great White Brotherhood are powerful centers for infinite lines of spiritual force that connect the retreats and radiate around the earth and extending out into space. Every etheric retreat has a specific purpose and carries out a certain action that trembles through the entire warp and woof of the planetary body. These actions nourish life by the sustaining action of the sacred fire.

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EP. 16 Mother Mary and the Retreat of the Archangels over Fatima


The locations of the physical and etheric retreats of the archangels, ascended masters, and Elohim have only recently been revealed. We are fortunate in this time that the masters have given us this knowledge. They do not have to give us these revelations, but they do so because they are walking the last mile with us, wanting to give us every opportunity to progress spiritually.

The ascended masters understand that when people know where these retreats are, they will center their attention upon them. Unfortunately, some of that attention becomes the conduit for mankind’s subconscious misqualified energy. However, at the price of some loss of privacy and having the attention of the world upon them, the ascended masters, archangels and the Elohim have released the location of their retreats for the benefit of mankind.

The retreats of the Great White Brotherhood are the homes of the masters in the etheric body of planet Earth. The masters use them to anchor certain energies throughout the earth on behalf of mankind and to hold spiritual records of past civilizations and golden ages.

Perhaps most importantly, the ascended masters serve in their retreats as the teachers to mankind.
Souls of light in embodiment who desire to be trained on the spiritual path may journey to the retreats in their soul consciousness while their bodies sleep at night. The retreats are centers of study and learning as well as places for training.

Your place in the spiritual classroom is waiting.
It is a place that only your heart can fill

Angels are waiting for your call to escort you to and from these retreats. We have invitations from the archangels and invitations from the ascended masters to join the Universities of the Spirit. Masters and archangels are waiting with the lessons your soul needs to meet your oncoming tests. Read on and find how to soul travel to your home of light – your nightly out-of-body experience – and return bringing more and more of that light, love and wisdom with you.


To find out more about the ascended masters and their etheric retreats,
read The Masters and their Retreats. This encyclopedia on the ascended masters
includes key insights they have delivered as well as detailed information
on the Great White Brotherhood’s etheric retreats.