In heaven, there is a stream in a highland forest on the island we call Sri Lanka. The Temple of Comfort looks out over the cool, green mountains at the center of the island, not far from this clear stream. The ascended master we’re going to visit was and is described by Jesus as the Comforter, whose holy presence continues to bless all in our world. His name is his office. We have known him for a long time and so he’s comfortable sitting with us on sun-warmed rocks by the stream to remind us about our God-given authority to take dominion in our world. God in us is the light in our world, whether we know it or not. He will, like Jesus, teach us that we have the need and authority to command archangels and that we can go with him wherever he goes, to bring comfort wherever there’s despair.

Having search entesively wide on spirituality to arrive at this webside, how do i belong in here?
Hi Jonathon, I apologise for the late reply. You can become a Keeper of the Flame at this page
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Encore! This has been an incredible experience. I have read about the retreats, but hearing about them through these podcasts heightened my understanding of them and made me feel as though I was actually there! I so looked forward to your weekly episodes in this Introductory series. I can’t wait for the next series. I hope it is coming soon! With gratitude.
Beautifully done – what an incredible journey to take – this filled my soul with so much comfort and love. Loved to journey learning how to be the selfless one.
Thank you so much for the wonderful journey to heaven. I know today who the Holy spirit is and the leader of ascended Masters.
So beautiful! The music of angels and the tingling thrill at meeting the Maha Chohan in his retreat!
Thanks be to God!
Hi waiting for season 2 to begin, thank you